Novena to St. Raphael Kalinowski
Opening Prayer of Novena
Saint Raphael, the highest tribute we give to God for having called you to such a high holiness, and set you on Polish soil as a model to follow. We want to honor the Immaculate Mother of God, Queen of Caramel, which you were faithful son and whom you taught us to worship through the holy scapular. We want to constantly imitate your virtues, because this will be the best respond to Most Merciful God’s Will for us. Saint Raphael, intercede for us with God and you obtain for us the grace by which we dare to ask through your intercession during this novena. Amen.
11th November
Only just a living faith, affirmation us agreeing on a path always and everywhere the will of God, the life of the soul can enlighten and fill the silence, although we could not do without the screaming and suffering.
Saint Raphael, your faith is strengthened in the heat of the difficulties and experiences. Obtain for us a strong faith, we understand that God is the supreme value of our life and the goal to which we are journeying. Obtain for us the courage faith that would not have wrung in the difficulties of life, living faith, which appealed our hearts to the ardent worship, joyful faith, that we would gladly live for the glory of God.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
12th November
Please give yourself to God in humility of mind and trust in His infinite mercy, and do so in truth, completely, with a clear act of devotion to Him, and leave the rest to His holy Providence.
Saint Raphael, you have never ceased to trust in the goodness and mercy of the Heavenly Father in your whole life, and this unwavering trust in God sweetened the hard, difficult and painful moments of your earthly life. May you obtain for us the grace, that we trust indefinitely and unwaveringly that we can always count on Him and that He, the best Father, will protect us against evil.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
13th November
How not to love God for His blessings in the constant revival of spiritual life. Without Him, in such insistent fate, where would I resist? Sometimes the words of the apostles to the Savior come to my mind: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”.(Jn 6, 69)
Saint Rafał, you in God discovered and found the only ideal of your life and you loved Him so much that there was nothing on earth for You that would be worth more than God and His love. Teach us by your example that that, by loving God in everything and above all, we would receive the promised heritage that surpasses all desires.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
14th November
We should mutually set a good example and give ourselves a hand in doing good, looking at examples of Christian perfection and begging together for help and grace at the feet of a good Savior.
Saint Raphael, you loved another man with so much love that you were looking for opportunities everywhere to lift, feed and comfort everyone in need or desperate. May you obtain for us the grace that we love where there is hatred; that we may have faith where there is doubt; that we would raise hope where despair torments; that we may bring joy where are worries; that we would not seek our own love but love others. By doing so, at the time of death, we will be born to a new life.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
15th November
What is or would be the task, it always has to be based on two supports: self-hatred and love of God. Then we have fought the fight: getting to know our weakness and frailty exercise in humility and seek the help of God.
Saint Raphael, O man of great humility, showing with his life how great treasure is flattering himself against the omnipotence of God, obtain for us the virtue of humility so that we did not call out God’s wrath with pride, but receive the gifts of grace through humility. May the grace of true humility remove from our hearts the lust of the flesh and eyes, and the worldly pride, that we may live eternally, reasonably, justly and devoutly.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
16th November
Short is our life, all trust in the mercy of God, and God wants us to ask Him for Mercy. So let’s call, how much strength is enough, and while we have time.
Saint Rafał, during your earthly life you not only saw in prayer the key to achieving Christian perfection, but also by your own example lit to confident and fervent prayer. Obtain for us a gift of sincere, simple, trusting and fervent prayer, which is an unwavering power in the fight against the threats of the soul, and is a source of inspiration in God’s service.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
17th November
You have to ask for agreeing with God’s will, even when we experience inner despair, when we remain in inner abandonment. What we experience today, tomorrow it will pass away.
Saint Raphael, totally devoted to God in every life situation and obedient to His holy will, obtain for us the grace, to say to God through our actions and our whole life: “Take my God, take from me everything that separates me from you. Give me everything that brings me closer to you; take me on your full ownership; take all my freedom, my mind and my will.”
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
18th November
Your present Cross, you may still further confirmed in the unmeasurable treasure of agreeing with God’s will, for only on this path we can come to happiness in eternity, and with this hope strengthened to make the yoke of mortal life sweet and light.
Saint Raphael, you with your life full of suffering, misery, uncertainty and grief teach us to endure valiantly our various adversities, suffering and illness. May you obtain for us from Jesus the grace so that with His help we would be able to endure pains, blame, suspicions, insults, slander and anxieties, in which He, our beloved Savior, would like us to bear.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.
19th November
When adversity upsets you, , imitate the little child who, in danger, calls his mother and hurries to run into her embrace. Mary’s arms are always open to embrace us.
Saint Raphael, faithful servant of the Queen of Carmel, you set the hearts of your companions on the wandering with your example, and then thousands of the faithful with love for the Immaculate Virgin; We are begging you, may you obtain for us an even greater fidelity in the service of the Immaculate Virgin, that we may be reborn in love and become more like our Lady and Queen, and through her to Jesus.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
St. Raphael Kalinowski, pray for us!
Saint Raphael, example of trusting and persevering prayer! Your life was marked by a great and heavy cross, so you can best understand our problems and shortcomings. May you obtain for a living and strong faith, boundless trust, fervent and selfless love towards God and our neighbor, bravery in suffering, obedience to the most gracious will of God and all that we presented to the Eternal Father through your intercession during this novena. Bring our desires, joys, torments and suffering to Heavenly Father’s throne. In your hands, our beloved Patron they will be delight to God, to whom we want to belong with all our heart forever. Amen.